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(14/01/2014 00:57)Scania1996 Wrote: [ -> ]VLW 4201 has arrived at Speke mainly for use on the 699

Blimey I was on this yesterday evening on the 495 in Birkenhead.
(14/01/2014 01:23)R557 ABA Wrote: [ -> ]
(14/01/2014 00:57)Scania1996 Wrote: [ -> ]VLW 4201 has arrived at Speke mainly for use on the 699

Blimey I was on this yesterday evening on the 495 in Birkenhead.

I'm currently on 4201 on the 418 in Birkenhead, are you sure it was 4201 Scania1996?
(14/01/2014 17:34)R557 ABA Wrote: [ -> ]
(14/01/2014 01:23)R557 ABA Wrote: [ -> ]
(14/01/2014 00:57)Scania1996 Wrote: [ -> ]VLW 4201 has arrived at Speke mainly for use on the 699

Blimey I was on this yesterday evening on the 495 in Birkenhead.

I'm currently on 4201 on the 418 in Birkenhead, are you sure it was 4201 Scania1996?

I had it on the 699 today it returned this afternoon in replace if another decker
4001 as replaced 4201 at Speke.
(14/01/2014 19:21)Official Wrote: [ -> ]4001 as replaced 4201 at Speke.

Thanks for clearing that up. Interestingly 4201's rear suspension had gone this evening making it bounce more than a Pacer train.
(14/01/2014 19:34)R557 ABA Wrote: [ -> ]
(14/01/2014 19:21)Official Wrote: [ -> ]4001 as replaced 4201 at Speke.

Thanks for clearing that up. Interestingly 4201's rear suspension had gone this evening making it bounce more than a Pacer train.

Whats missing at Speke to need a decker from birkenhead ?
Could be possibly replace the remaining Prestige and also it wouldn't be so bad if this appeared normal Speke routes such as the 79, 82, 86 instead of a single decker.
2475 was out and about on 81's yesterday, certainly can't be long for that one now.
A prestige with roller blind destination was on the 80 today
(14/01/2014 22:53)jtd508110 Wrote: [ -> ]A prestige with roller blind destination was on the 80 today

That will have been T922 KKM (2477)
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