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It appears MA1 is now in Speke depot, presumably for spares recovery as rumoured a few months back? (PS: Ignore that date on the photo, it clearly wasn't taken last year as there are photos of Gemini's in the same set!)

Seems to be more deckers than usual on 81/81A this week with at least three every day rather than the occaisional one.
(13/06/2012 07:50)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Seems to be more deckers than usual on 81/81A this week with at least three every day rather than the occaisional one.
I noticed a Palatine 2 leaving the lay-over area of Bootle Bus Station a few days ago; it looked like R313 WVR (3313), however I can't confirm that. Obviously, with Bootle having recently got rid of their collection of the type, it must have belonged to Speke and been working on the 81/81A!
I didnt see that one, the one's I have seen this week have been BT7L's although don't know which ones although 4116 was on one of the days and one with the same overall advert as Bootles Enviro 400.
(13/06/2012 09:10)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]I didnt see that one, the one's I have seen this week have been BT7L's although don't know which ones although 4116 was on one of the days and one with the same overall advert as Bootles Enviro 400.
Presuming that one of Bootle's Enviro400s has an all-over advertisement for Hope University, it's CX55 EBD (4112) that features a similar advertisement.
4120 has the same advertisement
(13/06/2012 10:23)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]4120 has the same advertisement

I have a photo of 4120 with the advertisement
(13/06/2012 09:04)27701 Wrote: [ -> ]
(13/06/2012 07:50)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]Seems to be more deckers than usual on 81/81A this week with at least three every day rather than the occaisional one.
I noticed a Palatine 2 leaving the lay-over area of Bootle Bus Station a few days ago; it looked like R313 WVR (3313), however I can't confirm that. Obviously, with Bootle having recently got rid of their collection of the type, it must have belonged to Speke and been working on the 81/81A!

3313 was out this morning on a 75 or 80 service
I'm not sure that the Commanders on the 75 are coping all that well since the new timetables were introduced last month. Every time I've seen a 75, it's a Commander with a heavy load and it's not been during peak times.

Maybe this is just when I've seen it, it could be different during other times of the day.
3313 along with 3332 was on the 78 i had the chance to ride 3313 myself
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