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(13/12/2012 22:58)3111 Wrote: [ -> ]Attached is a photo of 4118...

Credit to a friend for the photo!

Looks like its time to say good by to 4118!
Blimey! That is bad RIP 4118 you have served us well a sad loss indeed.
Looks like 4111 has had its ghd advert disconnected.
Wonders where the double decker 4118 will be replaced from as speke has a lot of routes depending on double deckers to move the passengers that they get on there routes .

Could one of 4000/1/2 be moving to Speke as cover from Laird St , somebody did say they was destined for Southport in the new year.
Who paid the advert for GHD? do we think they may have to pay if its found to be the case! No wonder ghds re so expensive if they destruct like buses!
The blame wont be to GHD, It would be the advertising company who offered to provide additional means of advertising usingthe lighting.
4120 has had a backlit advertising boards previously, AND several other buses have adverts like the GHD one, some even have scree
It's the hands of whoever fitted the adverts wiring, and if the bus needed cooling such as a fan or better wise insulation.

For all we know the bus may be the problem, not the advert (it would have been removed off 4111 to analyse). 4001 survived an electrical fire in blue bus days
(13/12/2012 23:02)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]Sad news as an excellent double decker has been lost. I expect Speke will receive an older decker from somewhere now as an interim replacement.

I just wonder if its illuminated gha advert had anything to do with the fire?
I was speaking to a friendly driver on the 500 yesterday evening and he said the battery exploded causing the bus to a go up in flames.
That is typical Rumours. A battery explosion wouldnt cause that much damage
(15/12/2012 13:59)K101HUM Wrote: [ -> ]To say that other similar units haven't caused such devastating damage before and therefore not to allocate fault, is somewhat naive to say the least. Such products, either singularly or the entire batch, could have been made with or developed a fault.

I never said that as "others have it" this one doesn't, Just meerly that it doesnt have to be the advertisement that is the fire cause.

4118 is nowhere in a state to be repaired, and will be off to PVS shortly
(15/12/2012 19:50)J654UHN Wrote: [ -> ]That is typical Rumours. A battery explosion wouldnt cause that much damage

As I said this is from a driver who was present at the depot at the time of the fire. So its coming from a reliable source and not silly rumours from FMs. I say no more.
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