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Seems a right mix of buses in operation at the moment from that list
2426 is back at Laird St with problems to be fixed.
4213 and 4209 on the 81s today.
Another was on the 82 also
(17/02/2014 19:29)2829 Wrote: [ -> ]2426 is back at Laird St with problems to be fixed.

Reported in the Birkenhead thread that its staying there now Speke dont want it back its probably not needed at speke now anyway with 4209 etc being there.
2459 is on the 82. What a terrible allocation.
Real shoddy allocations that have become very common on the 82. In light of some VLWs arriving at Speke for whatever length of time it looks really bad.
Strange as there was at least two VLW's on 81 today, so you would have thought that 2459 would have been placed on that in place of a VLW..
And I clocked 2 61 plated gems going on the 75 this evening.
Is the Capitals still at Speke?.
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