Aye far as i'm aware its still hanging around, unsure if its in use atm though. Gd bus just really noisy due to the whining coming from the rear axle!
4012 has bin parked just inside the depot gate for a couple of days, from what I could see it seemed to have the prop or half shaft on the platform
(24/12/2013 11:56)33109 Wrote: [ -> ]Aye far as i'm aware its still hanging around, unsure if its in use atm though. Gd bus just really noisy due to the whining coming from the rear axle!
Had to go into the depot today as 2611 has a problem with the front door-side wheel. Driver didn't tell us much really!
4012, 4056, 4040, 4050, 7628, 8223.
2609 (The bus we swapped to), 2516, 2515, 2502, 2608, 2618 and 4061.
Strangly, 4061 must of developed a fault on the 09:15 29B journey, As I saw it leave on that journey!
Now that route 29 is being introduced throughout on Saturdays from January 11th, I plan my next visit to the area for a Saturday rather than a Mon-Fri. To allow time for places further afield or imminent changes closer to home (most notably Metrolink to Rochdale Town Centre and First taking over Finglands routes) I may go to Crewe in February.
I need a nice ride on 4012 again. Anymore information would be greatly appreciated!
It was still parked in the depot where it has been for ages, Just inside the gates! Nothing wrong with the outside of it, Or interior apart from a massive black scar near the destination blind...
(29/12/2013 12:34)2829 Wrote: [ -> ]I need a nice ride on 4012 again. Anymore information would be greatly appreciated!
I have down on my latest sheet from Arriva stating that 4012, 4040, 4050, 4056, 4096 & 4099 are no longer in use.
So it begins then, the rundown of the dlas. They'll leave a few till the vlw's show up nxt year, so now by mny records we're left with the following:
4042, 4141, 4143, 4156, 4078, also we've still got 3615 around. Also anyone know what's the problem with the gem inis? All of em seem to have had probe up to now, includes 4490 which was off the road about a week couple of months bk supposedly with gearbox fault.
This morning a driver told me that they were getting 02 reg dafs from London in January not Volvos, he had been told that some newer volvos were coming in the summer to replace more singles though
[quote='33109' pid='49758' dateline='1388412850']
So it begins then, the rundown of the dlas. They'll leave a few till the vlw's show up nxt year,
What are the 02 plate daft we're getting then, more dlas presumably?