(09/12/2014 13:21)Sprinterdriver Wrote: [ -> ]It is a simple conversion course for train crew, but I would suspect 142's to leave the fleet first.
Its the cost implications for the train operating companies , if they was going to take on more units they would probably be a merry go round to get more of what they already operate .
156438 of Heaton Depot was operating out of Lime Street yesterday being noted on both Oxford Road and Wigan services.
318380 was out on Driver training between Liverpool South Parkway and Crewe from Sunday to Tuesday.
It has now gone off lease.
319361 was supposed to go to Wolverton for refurbishment yesterday, but that is now supposed to happen next Tuesday.
319362 was out today on Driver training runs between South Parkway and Crewe, the first time one in the new livery has been out.
cant wait for the 319's to come out for public use

Any firm date upon when that is going to be?
6 X Class 156 are to transfer on loan to TPE as replacements for Class 170s going to Chiltern. They will operate as pairs taking over three Manchester Airport to Blackpool North diagrams.
(12/01/2015 19:07)childwallblues Wrote: [ -> ]6 X Class 156 are to transfer on loan to TPE as replacements for Class 170s going to Chiltern. They will operate as pairs taking over three Manchester Airport to Blackpool North diagrams.
So Chiltern get the 170's and Northern lose arguably the highest standard diesel stock on this side of the Pennines. Hope there's an admin error and eithet Chiltern or TPE end up with 142's. An absolute scandal. As a regular user of the 156's, I definitely appreciate the quality if these units.
This is all the fault of the DfT letting the Rosco from moving on the stock at the point when they thought the TPE franchise had ended , only for the DfT to add a direct award and no real stock to cover the services , so its a case of make do and match.
(11/01/2015 14:52)Sprinterdriver Wrote: [ -> ]319362 was out today on Driver training runs between South Parkway and Crewe, the first time one in the new livery has been out.
I think the Class 319s look really smart in the new livery - I'm really looking forward to taking a ride on them when they enter service. How many are Northern Rail due to receive?