(18/06/2012 21:52)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]i do think over the next 2 years that this service will get onto its feet just give it more time
Maybe, but suggesting it'll do damage to other companies more frequent service, operating all day is lunacy
yea thats correct i know people in eccelston hate changing buses in town for a bus to liverpool and in thatto heath its not about how regular the bus service is its about the price, you take a look at the 137 since april its took more passengers as they are sick of arrivas and stagecoaches prices going up, all it will take is a good number of people over time to move onto this 139 to make it work and i really feel like it can give it the time to grow and settle in
another thing if they introduce day tickets thats me won over when i go to liverpool for photos or any other reason
(18/06/2012 21:58)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]another thing if they introduce day tickets thats me won over when i go to liverpool for photos or any other reason
Why would they bother introducing a day ticket when they're nearly all-contract? You can get better value out of a Saveaway ticket. Which fool would buy a Cumfybus-only day ticket for an hourly service when a Saveaway can be used on anything to that area from Liverpool?

good point they dont need a day ticket yet your right there they should wait for their network to grow a bit
I don't buy that, people might well be fed up with fares increacing, but at least there's a fleet modern buses that been invested by Stagecoach & Arriva, passengers wont like waiting 60 minutes[even 30 minutes]when there's a bus every 6 minutes with a service all Week & the operator tickets being valid on the other operator because of the QBP.
trust me stand outside thatto heath cycalls and watch how many people get on that 137/138 for prescot and st helens i was shocked myself
(18/06/2012 22:05)MTL0201 Wrote: [ -> ]I don't buy that, people might well be fed up with fares increacing, but at least there's a fleet modern buses that been invested by Stagecoach & Arriva, passengers wont like waiting 60 minutes[even 30 minutes]when there's a bus every 6 minutes with a service all Week & the operator tickets being valid on the other operator because of the QBP.
To be honest, not many passengers care about their bus really! As long as it shows up and the fares are fairly cheap - and most care about a seat. They're not going to go out of their way to wait for Cumfybus' hourly service, unless it was due somewhere close to them in about five minutes and it didn't involve missing loads of other buses in that direction!
(18/06/2012 22:09)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]trust me stand outside thatto heath cycalls and watch how many people get on that 137/138 for prescot and st helens i was shocked myself
That's probably because they're going to places that only the 137/138 serve - or it might be because that showed up first, or whatever!
time after time again? i know most people in thatto heath, my dad was born and raised here, my grand parents was and my great grandparents i know how he majoraty of thatto heath work, even my dad has noticed gone up last 4-5 months