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(03/11/2014 09:01)Dentonian Wrote: [ -> ]As the complainant told the press that "he held my arm", I assume he has reported the incident to the Police as that is Assault.

Presumably cumfbus will analyse the CCTV from the bus and if there's any evidence of assault then they will pass it on to the police.
Not a good image for the company though!
If this is as it seems the driver is an absolute disgrace, he looks like he has just lost it. However, we have only really seen one side of the story as we don't know what went on before the driver kicked off
(03/11/2014 09:25)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]If this is as it seems the driver is an absolute disgrace, he looks like he has just lost it. However, we have only really seen one side of the story as we don't know what went on before the driver kicked off

I agree just look at the breast feeding mother incident several years ago with Stagecoach Manchester that turned out to be fictitious.
However given the way the driver lunges from his cab towards the passenger says it all for me. Regardless of what the passenger has said he shouldn't have done that. I certainly wouldn't like to travel on his bus.
(03/11/2014 10:04)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]I agree just look at the breast feeding mother incident several years ago with Stagecoach Manchester that turned out to be fictitious.
However given the way the driver lunges from his cab towards the passenger says it all for me. Regardless of what the passenger has said he shouldn't have done that. I certainly wouldn't like to travel on his bus.

Really, there was no need for the driver to get out of his cab, it was threatening and if he had something to say he could have done it from his cab, he was only driving a solo after all. I wouldn't like to get on his bus either, he referred to a regular passenger who was not in shot, would like to know what they had to say about it, that would be quite revealing.
(02/11/2014 22:11)busdude Wrote: [ -> ]Nice video of a Cumfybus driver kicking off on a passenger in Liverpool

I'm actually aware of who this driver is, although I don't know him personally (thankfully).
He's always larking around with passengers (pulling faces, dancing in his cab etc) and he only works part-time for CUMFYBUS.

Thinks of himself as a bit of a comedian, but he's harmless enough and always runs to time, tends to strike-up a good rapport with passengers too (the ones with a sense of humour that is).

To be honest, I feel a bit sorry for him, as he probably wasn't aware that the passenger was videoing him (that's not to excuse his unprofessional behaviour in any way).
(03/11/2014 16:00)mathias Wrote: [ -> ]I'm actually aware of who this driver is, although I don't know him personally (thankfully).
He's always larking around with passengers (pulling faces, dancing in his cab etc) and he only works part-time for CUMFYBUS.

Thinks of himself as a bit of a comedian, but he's harmless enough and always runs to time, tends to strike-up a good rapport with passengers too (the ones with a sense of humour that is).

To be honest, I feel a bit sorry for him, as he probably wasn't aware that the passenger was videoing him (that's not to excuse his unprofessional behaviour in any way).

I think most passengers prefer a pleasant driver to a misrable one but there's pleasent and there's going too far and sadly this driver went way too far. Drivers are on the front line and as well as driving the bus they should know how to deal with customer compliments/complaints. Whatever the altercation was over lunging out of his cab and towards the passenger was unprofessional to say the least.

Drivers should be aware that the majority of people these days have phones that Film and take photos so it's very easy to be filmed in compromising situations like these. Just look at the Stagecoach Manchester driver filmed with his left foot up on the dash while driving!

He only has himself to blaim.
Reading the comments section on the article seems the victim, is one of those unpleasant serial complainers that plays the victim card, however that does not justify the actions of the driver who could well be sacked.
(03/11/2014 21:07)MTL0201 Wrote: [ -> ]Reading the comments section on the article seems the victim, is one of those unpleasant serial complainers that plays the victim card, however that does not justify the actions of the driver who could well be sacked.

Have you seen the Video? I don't think the victim is for one moment unpleasant, the actions of this driver are the issue. Drivers should be trained to deal with different types of behaviours. Does anyone supervise drivers whilst they are out and about? I know there is CCTV but are there any undercover passengers/ inspectors etc that will check how drivers behave.
(04/11/2014 06:58)WAITING FOR THE 437 Wrote: [ -> ]Have you seen the Video? I don't think the victim is for one moment unpleasant, the actions of this driver are the issue. Drivers should be trained to deal with different types of behaviours. Does anyone supervise drivers whilst they are out and about? I know there is CCTV but are there any undercover passengers/ inspectors etc that will check how drivers behave.

I know arriva and stagecoach have plain cloathed inspectors and driving instructors which go out and inspect drivers behaviour,attitude and driving behaviour and if its not satisfactory they will get a report put into management to make a decision on what they want to do i.e day in driving school,customer care course etc but small firms dont have these type of options as most small firms dont have an inspector on there payroll as being someone who as worked for cumfybus in the past there a very layed back company and dont employ an inspector etc.
(04/11/2014 08:07)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]I know arriva and stagecoach have plain cloathed inspectors and driving instructors which go out and inspect drivers behaviour,attitude and driving behaviour and if its not satisfactory they will get a report put into management to make a decision on what they want to do i.e day in driving school,customer care course etc.

Do they?
Stagecoach Manchester certainly don't as it's something I've suggested to them in the past but they don't seem interested. Given that the CCTV is so good these days and records sound, I've even suggested picking random buses/drivers and reviewing the CCTV rather than sending undercover inspectors out but again they are not interested. They only send drivers on review courses if a passenger complains.
Don't get me wrong they do have driving checks now and again but there are done on training vehicles where drivers can put on a good performance.

It's crazy that in this day and age the big companies refer to us as customers not passengers yet drivers only get the very basic of customer service training.

The problem for smaller companies is a lot of thier drivers come from larger companies. Whether sacked or they leave of their own accord the smaller op isn't going to know of a drivers history only thier criminal record. So if this driver, for example, has done this before at Arriva and been sacked, comfybus wouldn't have a clue.
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