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One of the new solos was on the 144 this afternoon, I've not seen this happen before.
The two H-reg Leyland Olympians have turned up in Gloucestershire (photo by Mk2FiestaFestival on Flickr)
Had a full ride on the extended 139 earlier, on the service I was on, the Prescot - st helens section was far from busy, and no one travelled any great distance, as an alternative to the 10A.

Wont go into detail other than to say the driver was a bad'n on a number of counts
I'm sure i saw YJ12GXO today in Liverpool city centre
YJ12 GXK has also entered service, it was on the C1 today.
Looks like the older solos are starting to get refurbished as i spotted X176NWR parked outside aintree depot on atherton road yesterday it is undergoing extensive repanneling and repaint and has leather seats fitted inside have posted more info about the new aintree depot in the impera thread.
(13/08/2012 16:31)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]I was thinking the very same earlier Dave!

I've checked loads of plates and this seems to be true, the second letter in any 'new' registration is never the same as the final one. Examples of this are there being no YJ12 GXJ at Cumfy, no YJ12 GZJ at HTL, no KX59 CWX at HTL/Dawsons, no Arriva CX/MX registrations end in X either!

On a different note, a few odd workings today at Cumfybus were of Solo M710SE MX08 DHL on the 139 along with Cummins engine Solo M950 MX04 VLU.

I just challenged this myself and thought, 'I'm sure I've seen MX58 DWX'. Sure enough I was incorrect.

First Manchester B9TL's:

37387 - MX58 DWW
37388 - MX58 DWY. cumfybus in for it with licence put from 65 to 60 more details here
Hybrid Solo YJ12 GXO was on the 139 today.
(22/08/2012 21:02)V671 DVU Wrote: [ -> ]Hybrid Solo YJ12 GXO was on the 139 today.
I forgot to post that GXO was unusually on the 57C/58C/144/145 yesterday, which brings the total number of hybrid Solos to 13.
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