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StreetLite MX12 DYW was on the C1/C3 today. I managed to get a photo ( and a ride of it; it sounded quite odd (cooling-fan and hissing and squealing noises), but it was warm and comfortable. The friendly driver liked it, too.
(28/11/2012 21:49)B10B6514 Wrote: [ -> ]A first today in Southport was a hybrid Solo operating on the 15 route. This is not only a first for Cumfy but any operator .

I saw that at Kew Roundabout at around 1040 heading towards the depot. There was also one of the DAF/Mylenniums on as well (V474 HKY), looking very unprofessional with a hastily scrawled '15' stuck in the windscreen in a place that looked like it would have restricted the driver's view a bit.
(28/11/2012 21:49)B10B6514 Wrote: [ -> ]A first today in Southport was a hybrid Solo operating on the 15 route. This is not only a first for Cumfy but any operator .

The 'Humpy-Roof' electro-diesel Solos very often stray from their intended C1-C5 routes.
Here's one on the 231...
(Photo Credit; Michael Mills)
ive seen one or 2 on the 193
(30/11/2012 22:52)DEM777Y Wrote: [ -> ]There was also one of the DAF/Mylenniums on as well (V474 HKY)

Interesting, I wonder if that's a swansong for the type? The tax on the remaining three ran out last night, and I was imagining they'd join their sisters on SORN. DVLA isn't yet showing any of them as relicensed, so if they are planning on keeping any of them in use then they've certainly left it till the last moment!
There's nothing new there Quackdave, going by experience a few years ago.

The hybrid has been in service on the 15 ever since. Good to see latest technology at work in Southport.
Brookfield drive in fazakerley has been sealed off due to a shooting in the area this could lead to cumfybus and Ace travel having problems getting buses out as both their depots are up there.
(03/12/2012 07:37)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]Brookfield drive in fazakerley has been sealed off due to a shooting in the area this could lead to cumfybus and Ace travel having problems getting buses out as both their depots are up there.

When was the shooting as I have just left the Royal Mail office by ACE/Cumfybus at 9;40am today?
And the road was open
Thought Cumfy had moved to by Taskers now? If so doubt it would have been a problem
(03/12/2012 11:31)ste Wrote: [ -> ]Thought Cumfy had moved to by Taskers now? If so doubt it would have been a problem

No cumfybus depot is on Atherton Road at the back of Ace Travels depot off Brookfield drive.
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