Got interior shots looking back from the front, and looking forward from the back, but neither show the suggested places for the plates. I could swear I seen them on the wheel arch, but don't take that as a definite answer by any means. :-)
Are the new ones cumfybus get going on certain routes or even getting painted?
and have they got the new interior like A2B new Enviro200 or are they just the cheap Enviro200 old Urban90 seated Enviro200 Darts
so currently they have 2 Enviro200 Darts MX60 and YJ62?
wounder why they have not programmed the dests as I know the MX60 Enviro200's have Mobitec like most of the Solos at Cumfybus not sure about the 62 plate
(22/09/2012 19:03)J654UHN Wrote: [ -> ]Kirkby and City Centre depot are now both closed and all operations moved to Aintree. Southport is closing shortly and will be moving to there as well with the others being used to store withdrawn buses.
With the number of withdrawn buses they are accumulating, Cumfybus are reminding me of South Notts of Gotham. I recall my 1983 Fleetbook describing them as "chary of parting with old buses", and, despite having a bit of a clearout in the 1980s, when they sold up to Nottingham City Transport in 1991 there was still a withdrawn Leyland Lion LT5 at the back of their yard that had been there since 1951.
Still, even South Notts didn't maintain two separate depots solely for storing withdrawn buses. Maybe Dai Woodham's of Barry would be a better analogy?

(23/09/2012 09:57)P450 SWX Wrote: [ -> ]wounder why they have not programmed the dests as I know the MX60 Enviro200's have Mobitec like most of the Solos at Cumfybus not sure about the 62 plate
The ex-Ace Enviro200 (MX60 BWY) has Hanovers does it not? Certainly doesn't look like mobitecs to me.
I'd definitely say that MX60 BWY has Hanovers as well, perhaps why the desintations haven't been programmed on it if Cumfy is all Mobitec?
Edit: However, I'd say that the two 11 plate Enviros at Ace have Mobitec's.
Has anyone actualy seen MX60 with Cumfybus as i certainly havent seen it on the routes that i see while im out plus the ops manager said the 62 plate was a trial and Andy best wait to see if cumfy like the demo first
same as the demo regarding blinds as that displayed paper number the other day
(23/09/2012 14:52)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]MX60 BWY has been out this past week on the 152 in St Helens, I caught a ride on it Wednesday. Another forum member also managed to grab a photo:
could easy use blinds as ace are not preset justs manually type in numbers and place so logically cumfy could have used it and just put 152 St Helens on dests
On the assumption it has Hanover blinds fitted (which going off photographs of it, I suspect it does though would happily be proven incorrect by someone who knows for sure) and the standard controller, the driver can't just input a number and destination to my knowledge. It requires the operator to create a destination list in the HELEN software and then download it to the controller onboard the vehicle via a USB fob or serial cable. I suspect it's the case that Cumfybus either don't have the software or don't have the USB fob/serial cable.