A cracking set of routes for a start up in the area. 10 tenders won in one go is impressive, MCT won 12 but they had been in the area a few years. Very impressive I must say
(02/07/2013 06:18)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ] (01/07/2013 18:00)Neoplan N4009 Wrote: [ -> ] (01/07/2013 06:15)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]Spotted a hybrid solo broken down with bonnet up at the bottom of london road yesterday couldnt id it as i was on the city explorer on william brown st any ideas?
That was YJ12 GXF , spotted that myself whilst on the 76
Thanks peter first one of those ive seen broken down!
No worries mate I was quite surprised myself to see it with its back open! another did conk out recently as MX04 VLU took its place on the C5 at one point a few weeks back , one hybrid had its cooling fan on the other day , could just be a minor case of coolant needed for the vehicles
(05/07/2013 19:07)jonathon890 Wrote: [ -> ]Cumfybus had YJ12GXF http://flic.kr/p/f3nmUH out in Bolton today route training.
And i thought these buses was bought for the city circulars, my mistake
(06/07/2013 08:09)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ] (05/07/2013 19:07)jonathon890 Wrote: [ -> ]Cumfybus had YJ12GXF http://flic.kr/p/f3nmUH out in Bolton today route training.
And i thought these buses was bought for the city circulars, my mistake
There are 13.
10 for the Citylink with 1 spare (For what was the Liverpool Depot/now merged to Aintree).
1 for the EL1 with 1 spare, a contract cumfybus lost to SLT before they arrived (For what was Southport Depot)
So technically, There are 3 buses which are spare to go on any other service, and 10 for the Citylink PVR 10 contract
right well thanks for that
A rather down at heel and scruffy MX06YYA is operating on the 15 route in Southport today and yesterday.
(06/07/2013 08:15)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]So technically, There are 3 buses which are spare to go on any other service, and 10 for the Citylink PVR 10 contract
Isn't it PVR 11?
As far as I can see there are nine on all day services - three on CityLink, and two each on C4/C5/C7. (Prior to the changes it was three on C1/C3, which interwork, and two each on C2/C4/C5.)
Then a couple of extra buses are needed to do the morning peak extras between Brunswick and Queen Square on the C4/C5, making eleven.
Convinced I've just seen a brand new Solo M7200SE-R on route C2 (similar to the new ones HTL have).
Unusual 'tadpole roof' styling, the first time I've seen CUMFYBUS use this type of design.
Too far away to get a positive ID, but it'll obviously be on a 13-plate.
I expect the official launch of this bus (or buses if there are anymore) will be tomorrow for the new CityLink service
(06/07/2013 15:11)mathias Wrote: [ -> ]Convinced I've just seen a brand new Solo M7200SE-R on route C2 (similar to the new ones HTL have).
Unusual 'tadpole roof' styling, the first time I've seen CUMFYBUS use this type of design.
Too far away to get a positive ID, but it'll obviously be on a 13-plate.
I expect the official launch of this bus (or buses if there are anymore) will be tomorrow for the new CityLink service
Same spec as the HTL versions
Looks like its going to be some of the 12 reg solos going to Bolton has YJ12 GXL & YJ12 GXO are park at the Bolton depot today