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(10/04/2013 16:46)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]
(10/04/2013 15:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]I also don't see any reason why the taxpayer should have to pay for her funeral.
Quite. Although I should point out I don't believe that to be Thatcher specific; why should any ex-PM receive a state funeral at the tax payer's cost?

Particularly when the family are perfectly able of paying themselves.

(10/04/2013 19:30)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]
(10/04/2013 16:46)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]
(10/04/2013 15:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]I also don't see any reason why the taxpayer should have to pay for her funeral.
Quite. Although I should point out I don't believe that to be Thatcher specific; why should any ex-PM receive a state funeral at the tax payer's cost?

Particularly when the family are perfectly able of paying themselves.


Neither Ted Heath or Jim Callaghan had a state-funded funeral so why should £10,000,000 of public money be spent on hers?

Surely, all her old cronies that made £millions from the privatisation rip-offs should pass the hat around to pay to send her off they think she is so wonderful?
Neither Ted Heath or Jim Callaghan are names that are widely known among the younger generation. Nor do either of them have any really memorable legacy.
(11/04/2013 14:00)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]Neither Ted Heath or Jim Callaghan are names that are widely known among the younger generation. Nor do either of them have any really memorable legacy.

Harold Wilson?

Won no less than 4 general elections and kept us out of the Vietnam fiasco.

He also oversaw massive growth in higher education opportunities for working class families and the creation of the PTEs and NBC.

Also long serving MP for Huyton.

When he passed away was buried quietly on the Scilly Isles with dignity and no overblown hubris. Paid for by his family and friends.
Harold Wilson is ranked behind Thatcher, often to a considerable degree, by every historical ranking of greatest Prime Ministers that is referenced at Wikipedia. These are the opinions of scholars, experts and the general public:

Just thought I'd mention it.
It was of course under Margaret Thatcher that bus deregulation and early privatisations were brought in. Ironically, many privatisations like water/ electricity boards and NBC subsidiaries such as those that joined Drawlane/ British Bus are now owned by foreign, sometimes public, companies.
(11/04/2013 21:34)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]Harold Wilson is ranked behind Thatcher, often to a considerable degree, by every historical ranking of greatest Prime Ministers that is referenced at Wikipedia. These are the opinions of scholars, experts and the general public:

Just thought I'd mention it.

Wikipedia???!!!! You're really struggling to have to resort to wikipedia as a reference source.

It is such a beacon of objectivity and truth that it is BANNED by virtually every UK FE and HE institution and the Examination boards.

Anyway, I'll be wearing a red tie for the day of her funeral, as several colleagues going down, soI'm not able to get time off work to attend the parade in person and turn my back on the box.
The Wikipedia article has many lists listed, pretty much all of them have Thatcher above Wilson. The survey wasn't carried out by Wikipedia anyway, it has plenty of links to non Wikipedia pages. The taxpayers money going into it and the reasons given by certain people are pretty laughable all round though.
(16/04/2013 20:29)DVL418 Wrote: [ -> ]Wikipedia???!!!! You're really struggling to have to resort to wikipedia as a reference source.

Yep, Wikipedia, a very reliable resource for referenced articles. In this case every survey is referenced, usually to the website representing the organisations and newspapers in question. I'd hardly call a large collection of independent surveys, none of which are affiliated with Wikipedia, 'struggling'. Not that struggling is the right word anyway - I'm no Thatcher fan by any stretch - but I do think the point that very many in this country entirely disagree with some of the unpleasant sentiments in this thread needs to be pushed home.

To reiterate, every single survey ranks Thatcher above Wilson, often by a comfortable margin. Organisations involved include the University of Leeds, the BBC, The Times, British Politics Group, Mori and others.
The funeral for Baroness Thatcher was a fitting tribute to the end of an era in British Politics , Baroness Thatcher never rolled over in the face of any opposition wherever it may have come from , how many politicians change tack these days when the going gets tough.

This paragraph from her speak to the 1980 Conservative Party Conference is one of her most famous :

If our people feel that they are part of a great nation and they are prepared to will the means to keep it great, a great nation we shall be, and shall remain. So, what can stop us from achieving this? What then stands in our way? The prospect of another winter of discontent? I suppose it might.
But I prefer to believe that certain lessons have been learnt from experience, that we are coming, slowly, painfully, to an autumn of understanding. And I hope that it will be followed by a winter of common sense. If it is not, we shall not be—diverted from our course.

To those waiting with bated breath for that favourite media catchphrase, the 'U-turn', I have only one thing to say: 'You turn [U-turn] if you want to. The lady's not for turning.' I say that not only to you but to our friends overseas and also to those who are not our friends.
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