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But Peter Sallis is the last link all the way through Last of the Summer Wine .
Oh yes absolutely. All I was trying to say that in terms of age alone it's not that surprising he's the last standing. Not that I should downplay that - reaching 92 is a great achievement in anyones books.
The witch is dead - lets start the party!!!

The Day Margaret Thatcher Dies
Thank God for that! There will be millions celebrating now. One thing though, why was this put under celebrity? She was an arrogant, obnoxious, evil bitch. Good riddance.


(08/04/2013 12:57)DVL418 Wrote: [ -> ]The witch is dead - lets start the party!!!

The Day Margaret Thatcher Dies
Appalling comments above. I wasn't her biggest fan either but the above is wholly inappropriate. A woman has died - I doubt you'd like it if someone 'celebrated' the death of one of your family members like that.

RIP Margaret.
(08/04/2013 13:31)507009 Wrote: [ -> ]Appalling comments above. I wasn't her biggest fan either but the above is wholly inappropriate. A woman has died - I doubt you'd like it if someone 'celebrated' the death of one of your family members like that.

RIP Margaret.

Totally agree!
Totally inappropriate comments! Love her or loath her, she was the country's first and only Female PM and that makes her an important historical figure. RIP Baroness Thatcher
I understand that a death in a family is a sad time, but the way she treated the country and workers in all industries is what made her the enemy of most hardworking men and women. She ripped the heart out of many villages, towns and cities in the pursuit of short-term gains by selling off companies and privatising industries in search of a quick buck.
Some say she transformed Britain. She certainly did. We were once a proud industrial country that could almost support ourselves and now we rely on imports for more or less everything - even oil! For my money, we are only two steps up from a banana republic.
That is my own opinion for what it is worth.


Just been the pub and a complete stranger offered to buy me a pint!
In fact he was buying EVERYONE a pint!

What's that all in aid of??
Oh well, Cheers! Beer
I don't disagree with what you are saying Mal, but it had to happen.

With or without Thatcher we still would have lost a lot of heavy industry to China etc and the run down of the coal mines etc would have been even more drawn out and painful.
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