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Some would say actively celebrating the death of someone fits the description of the word 'evil' considerably better than Margaret Thatcher ever did. I despair of some people in this country if they can consider her passing away a good thing. There clearly wasn't much 'heart' for Thatcher to rip out if this is the opinion.

It's not as if we're dealing with the loss of Benito Mussolini or Saddam Hussein here, not that death of any sort should be considered something worth celebrating.
Nail. Head. Hit.

Couldn't have put it better myself 507009.
(08/04/2013 14:49)Mal Wrote: [ -> ]I understand that a death in a family is a sad time, but the way she treated the country and workers in all industries is what made her the enemy of most hardworking men and women. She ripped the heart out of many villages, towns and cities in the pursuit of short-term gains by selling off companies and privatising industries in search of a quick buck.
Some say she transformed Britain. She certainly did. We were once a proud industrial country that could almost support ourselves and now we rely on imports for more or less everything - even oil! For my money, we are only two steps up from a banana republic.
That is my own opinion for what it is worth.


100% Mal.

I'm old enough to have seen her overt corruption of the police during the miners strike, the shoot to kill policy in Ulster, the sinking of the Belgrano, Death on the Rock and the Hillsborough lies, deceit and cover-ups.

She wilfully set out to destroy much of the fabric of our society in the name of greed.

I'm tempted to attend her funeral with a hammer and bag of six inch nails just to make sure the coffin lid is firmly nailed down so she can never darken so many people's lives ever again.
Please, explain how Hillsborough was Thatcher's fault?
(08/04/2013 16:04)mbonwick Wrote: [ -> ]Please, explain how Hillsborough was Thatcher's fault?

Never said it was. What I do say is that Thatcher was up to her neck in the concerted campaign of 'the Hillsborough lies, deceit and cover-ups' to shift the blame for the tragedy onto the victims, rather than the neglect and incompetence of the police etc. That tissue of lies was remorselessly demolished by the recent review.
Celebrating Thatcher dying now really makes no sense, whether people love or loathe her she hasnt been in charge of the country for quite some time and her death really has no impact to anybody other than her friends or family. Yes, she was in charge of the government that loved to privatise and responsible for destroying the power of trade unions but like a previous member has said she was no Saddam Hussein and ultimately in the end she was just an old woman with demetia. He death really is nothing to celebrate, no more than any other person that was not in a position of power.
£10 million to bury her!!!

The are thousands of ex-miners that in return for a spade would volunteer to dig a hole all the way to Hades to make sure she is delivered personally to Satan.

Mind you, she will probably have three of the furnaces shut down within a week and privatised the devil himself
If she was that bad, why did she lead the Conservative party to three General Election wins?

Also, if the mines were worth saving, why didn't the Labour Party re-open them when they were in power for over ten years?
I didnt like her either but I just don't see what there is to celebrate in her passing away, she has not had anything to do with the running of the country for over 20 years and I don't see the point in celebrating her death. However, I also don't see any reason why the taxpayer should have to pay for her funeral.
(10/04/2013 15:12)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]I also don't see any reason why the taxpayer should have to pay for her funeral.
Quite. Although I should point out I don't believe that to be Thatcher specific; why should any ex-PM receive a state funeral at the tax payer's cost?

Particularly when the family are perfectly able of paying themselves.
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