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Have to say I think that the headlight surrounds would look better in black or silver but I do agree, it looks very smart.
(14/11/2014 21:24)MX59 JZJ Wrote: [ -> ]92 has also been to Bus and Coach World for repainting into Halton livery.

Halton Transport 92 © Warren Hawkins

I reckon on waiting until around the middle of next year before trying to ride one, in the hope that many if not all are repainted by then.
I do not understand whats the purpose & benefit in changing there registrations?
It disguises their age so I suppose when they come back from repaint and refurbishment they look like brand new buses. I have to say they look really smart painted up. I can't wait to see them all on the road.

In other news the 249 Huyton Circular which is regularly Solo operated has recently seen the mini Marshall on at least two different occasions. Pretty unusual working.
(15/11/2014 21:07)Metroline1511 Wrote: [ -> ]I reckon on waiting until around the middle of next year before trying to ride one, in the hope that many if not all are repainted by then.

Surely it would be better to ride at least one in "as acquired" state with the dual door.
93 has had a front only repaint to red/cream looks a bit odd,prehaps they can't afford the paint
(18/11/2014 17:15)Penny Return Wrote: [ -> ]93 has had a front only repaint to red/cream looks a bit odd,prehaps they can't afford the paint

Maybe getting an all over advert put on or something.
(18/11/2014 17:15)Penny Return Wrote: [ -> ]93 has had a front only repaint to red/cream looks a bit odd,prehaps they can't afford the paint

Possibly they are waiting to paint it fully until the middle door is removed instead of panting the whole thing and then having to patch it up. Just a idea :P
91 has also had its front repainted
There is a short piece on Halton's website about the refurbished vehicles:

Click on the image to see the full photo of 92 in its new livery.
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