(11/03/2016 19:46)Quackdave Wrote: [ -> ]Other minor Halton observations are that #54 is now in the (semi-)revised livery with red rear end, and red panel below the windscreen, but without the cream above the side windows (yet).
I wonder if #37 might be next, as it had a minor bump at Mount Vernon this evening - it didn't look serious enough for anyone to have been hurt, but the o/s quarterlight and the fibreglass corner below it were damaged, so if it's going to need body and paintwork attention then they might well give it the extra red whilst they're at it!
This has already been mentioned in the above post
28 has been repainted into the new style livery, it was on 14s the other day and it looks very smart
(11/03/2016 19:46)Quackdave Wrote: [ -> ][re new livery...]
I wonder if #37 might be next [...]
For the record, it wasn't - it got patched up and has returned to service in its existing livery.
Halton have increased their prices with effect from yesterday ... rather short notice of this on the website (2 days).
Halton are introducing a Sunday 62 service. Through to Warrington too. I wonder if it will replace a 14A run, or work inbetween like mon - sat. Great stuff!
EDIT: Having read further, it says an hourly frequency. Still good news though!
Where did you get the information from?
Local Halton flyer/booklet that got posted. From 24th April they're introducing it at an hourly frequency

it's a local newsletter thing that gets posted monthly called inside Halton and HT had a little section inside mentioning changes for spring.
Good news; it might make sense to have it interwork with the 2 in the same way that it does Mon - Sat.
The 14 is going hourly on a Sunday through to Runcorn/half hourly to Widnes
MPD #17 on the 62 at peak time yesterday.