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(20/01/2013 09:02)merseybus Wrote: [ -> ]I cant uppoad the pic of the new livery I took yesterday. It will only allow 500mb upload??

At 500 mb that is a VERY large pic!
(20/01/2013 09:02)merseybus Wrote: [ -> ]I cant uppoad the pic of the new livery I took yesterday. It will only allow 500mb upload??

Can you try using and posting the link to the picture on here? Smile
[Image: 243kvnr.jpg]
To me, that looks like they've simply modified the old Blackpool livery and painted over the blue and yellow but kept the lines of the paint the same!
looks like they done the cheep option
That looks as ugly as....

Very disappointing...
reminds me of the old Accessbus livery used by Metro only in darker colours
Looks Smart IMO. Simlar to one of the past liveries
Looks smart to me, interesting to see the full bus.
Looks smart and plasticky!
I wish Halton would change their logo: it's like Word '97 word art!
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