(06/08/2012 20:12)K101HUM Wrote: [ -> ]Not something the operator should have to worry about though! Saddening to read most certainly. Its not as if Halton Transport, one of our few remaining municipals, have been on the scene and in their current location for 5 minutes. Lets hope its a one off and it doesn't cause Halton too much disruption in terms of their operations and costs to rectify the mindless vandalism.
Very true! As you point out, they've been in the same location from the start, surely it's a sign of the changing times and attitudes that some people have to others' property.
I agree, hopefully there won't be a repeat!
This is a repeat it happens all to often - not the first and it wont be the last not until they get proper security

(06/08/2012 21:48)ex d.river Wrote: [ -> ]This is a repeat it happens all to often - not the first and it wont be the last not until they get proper security 
Particularly bad as they have recently had some work done to strengthen and increase the height of the fencing at specific points around the compound - the view from my office window.
When i worked there for a short period in 2004, there was always plenty of youths and young children hanging around in the area of the yard and depot.
There was always things going on like our cars being vandalised, the compound was often getting broken into, you would often see kids jumping onto the tops of the buses, and jumping from one to another, also, kids gaining entry into the main depot to see if we would chase them. Most incidents happened at weekend's and after 4pm on weekdays. See the pattern there ? Very sad really, Halton Transport are unfortunately situated in a not so desirable area and problems like these will never go away because of were they are :-(
(07/08/2012 10:14)tinytears87 Wrote: [ -> ]When i worked there for a short period in 2004, there was always plenty of youths and young children hanging around in the area of the yard and depot.
There was always things going on like our cars being vandalised, the compound was often getting broken into, you would often see kids jumping onto the tops of the buses, and jumping from one to another, also, kids gaining entry into the main depot to see if we would chase them. Most incidents happened at weekend's and after 4pm on weekdays. See the pattern there ? Very sad really, Halton Transport are unfortunately situated in a not so desirable area and problems like these will never go away because of were they are :-(
Whilst I'm not around at weekend, am regularly until 7.30 in evening and never spotted any trespass in recent months - mind you weather probably helped as a deterent!
I'm not on about just the compound, i also refer to drivers cars parked on the side road next to the depot and at the front of the depot, the compound only ever got broken into under cover of darkness, i'm talking about 8 years ago by the way, not now. No idea what its like nowadays around there, but obviously things have'nt changed much ! Light nights do help as a deterrent like you say ! Just feel sorry for Halton.
Gah! I travel all that way just to get a shot of the 801, and what do I get but a scrambled display! Both half of the display not working (displaying 'S . . d Avenue'), and also only a line a few pixels thick shows up on the photo, due to the type of display.
At least I got a ride on the 801 though, which is in my opinion a thoroughly boring and pointless service -- something which the driver and I agreed on.
In fact, I couldn't get decent photos out of the 12a or 14a either, due to the same problem.
There was at least one Enviro out on the 14a, but I only managed to photo that towards Liverpool; but it was the 'Waterfront, The Hive' destination that I was out for.
EDIT: For anyone interested, the 12a shows up as service 12 on tickets and the on-board passenger information systems.
I imagine this is because it's what the driver keys in for this service, as usually letters aren't available.
Since there's no service 12, that number is available as a 'cover' for 12a, but the same can't be said about the 2a, 14a, 61a or 62a.
Does anyone know which codes they use for these services? -- I imagine that for the 14a they use whatever they used to use for the 14c.
I know that for the 20a, they used to use 620.
The 17/A will intetwork with another service probably
The 17's used to interwork with the 2's. Not sure if they still do tho.