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#30 has orange LEDs now...

on 687 to Bellevale Primary
Just seen one with LEDs, look like Brightech, programmed different as well. Couldnt see which bus it was that had them.
Well done Halton!
Sounds promising! Has anyone got any pictures?? Big Grin

This could mean that the #30 and #33 could be used on the new 26(A) services, maybe? I'm not sure if "Widnes Waterfront" would be listed on the older displays of the older busses?
Anything with blinds won't have it. Hopefully the LEDs is just modernisation, they really do look spot on with LEDs and it makes them look so much more modern. An interior facelift (retrim in the moquette used in MCVs and Enviro200s and repainted grabpoles) would do the world of good for them.
Didnt manage any pictures, got a ride on 30 but didnt have my camera with me annoyingly!
The whole fleet are getting then within the next 6 months. 2 elc's got fitted with them as well today think one was 37
Yeah, thought I seen one with them! It appears they have a slightly different layout than others, with scrolling via points on the 14 to Liverpool. Good layout, I prefer it to the old one!
34 it is drove it yesterday
I might be seeing things but I'm sure I've just seen a minibus with Halton Transport livery at Green Oaks. Anyone else seen it? Was from a distance though...
Its possible, some Solos are supposed to be due, not been past the depot to see if theyve arrived yet however. Sure it wasn't #20 mate? :-)
Come to think of it, it did look a bit like an Optare Solo (not the Solo SR from the 26 the other week). Not sure what service it was on, saw it from the side ;-)
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