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(19/08/2012 17:54)Valandil Wrote: [ -> ]
(18/08/2012 11:13)K853 MTJ Wrote: [ -> ]Nope, hasn't done for a while now mate, although it's likely it will return to doing so with these changes.
Seems the route network is being overhauled somewhat with all of these recent changes, the majority seem to be for the better.
Wonder if there will be any new vehicles for Halton this year, they took a year off last year but I wonder if more midi buses with come in the replace SPDs?

There is that idea of getting a small bus for the 26 too.

If anything I'd say that wouldn't happen, it would be ideal IMO for the 26 to be served by a mid to full size bus such as a 10.1m Dart/Enviro or whatever. With the Saturday service now gone on the 26, it would be an idea to have a bus small enough to comfortably operate the 26 route while also being big enough to operate any other route on a Saturday such as the 2A.
or just keep #20 so I can happily enjoy it on my college bus! haha
Dart 74 came back from the dead today, seen driving around the vicinity of the depot on trade plates with a fitter driving. Perhaps just giving it a run to clear the system out, test drive for a perspective buyer, or perhaps even getting work done to come back into service? Who knows! Was being reversed back into the rear compound from where it came at about half 2 today. Interesting stuff though!
Love the old darts. Much much much nicer buses than some of the rubbish they are using today...
Completely agree! Be nice to see them return to service!
Posting here since it's probably the Halton crowd who will mainly be interested:

Noticed today that there are some changes to the 33(a): in particular all journeys will be numbered 33. Why? I have no idea.

Here's the timetable:
Tis madness in my opinion, will only confuse passengers waiting for a 33A, at the end of the day would make sense for Halton to move their services to the 33 stand, potential for extra business I think!
Halton wouldn't get to choose the stand (at least I'm fairly sure they can't, someone feel free to correct me!) and there wouldn't be space for them on the already well utilised stand 5 anyway. I gave my opinion on this over on the St Helens thread and timetable updates thread but the long and short of it was much the same as what K853 says.
Either way, operating into the bus station would surely improve patronage, not ideal with it stopping right out of the way of the station.
Possibly. I'm really not sure where it could go from though, that bus station is pretty much at capacity! I think the only way patronage would increase is if it went off of the same stand as the 33A as a lot of passengers will just know that's stand 5 that the 'Widnes bus goes from' and as such will go there but, unfortunately for Halton, I can't see them being able to get on there. Like you point out though, there's not going to be many people that go round the corner to catch it!
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