CX04 AXW repaint/p+p
CX55 FAJ repaint/p+p
CX07 CUC repaint/p+p
(All these in final stages of being finished)
2472 getting cleaned up
2726 rta damage-work underway
2500 rta damage-work underway
2269 engine maintinance
2995 rta damage-work underway
2458 engine maintinance
2493 awaiting engine maintinance
872 awaiting engine maintinance
3137 awaiting rta damage repairs
2452 awaiting clean up
2461 awaiting clean up
2457 awaiting clean up
2468 awaiting clean up
2619 awaiting engine maintinance
4185 preparing for bolton depot
LF52 URS preparing for bolton depot
LF52 URU preparing for bolton depot
3098 rta damage
2725 , 7663 , 7669 , 8218 , 7665 , 7647
(18/08/2014 18:06)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:
CX04 AXW repaint/p+p
CX55 FAJ repaint/p+p
CX07 CUC repaint/p+p
(All these in final stages of being finished)
2472 getting cleaned up
2726 rta damage-work underway
2500 rta damage-work underway
2269 engine maintinance
2995 rta damage-work underway
2458 engine maintinance
2493 awaiting engine maintinance
872 awaiting engine maintinance
3137 awaiting rta damage repairs
2452 awaiting clean up
2461 awaiting clean up
2457 awaiting clean up
2468 awaiting clean up
2619 awaiting engine maintinance
4185 preparing for bolton depot
LF52 URS preparing for bolton depot
LF52 URU preparing for bolton depot
3098 rta damage
2725 , 7663 , 7669 , 8218 , 7665 , 7647
Didn't realise 3137 had a RTA - Is the damge bad MM? thanks
Thanks for the update Motormayhem. Very informative as always.
3137 isnt that bad its just mainly the full rear window smashed and rear corner panels cracked etc
Quite sad to another B10B going for scrap, however excellent update as ever MM thanks.
MM, Could you tell me how bad 2500 (CX54 DLD)s RTC Damage is please? Not a bad cadet that one compared to our other ones....
Also, How long do you think 2619 will be out of use?
Cheers in Advance!
2500 looked like something had gone up the backend but didnt look to bad as shouldnt be long before its back on the road and 2619 im not quite sure as its still parked outside waiting to go in to get done as think its just waiting for a pit to become available.