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Soz my mistake,i looked straight passed that on the update i put on myself lol as thats the one i was unsure about.
Has Southport's B10B/Renown 2725 arrived for front end repairs yet? It was removed from the depot a couple of days ago.
Il check tommorow when im in and see if its here.
(12/12/2013 19:26)motormayhem Wrote: [ -> ]Il check tommorow when im in and see if its here.

Thanks Smile
Wonder if the two southport pulsars damaged in separate accidents in the same week as 2725 will alsao make their way to st helens for repair?
I belive ones already been repaired and is back out? I don't think the damage to the other was so severe it couldn't be rectified in house either but I stand to be corrected.
(13/12/2013 08:18)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]I belive ones already been repaired and is back out? I don't think the damage to the other was so severe it couldn't be rectified in house either but I stand to be corrected.

3084 was repaired very quickly and back on the road within hours. 3044 is still at Southport. I don't think it'll be back on the road quite as quickly...
Work on 2725 is well underway as yhe front end is all stripped down and work on 4422 is well underway too.
Thanks for confirming.
No problem.
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