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(01/02/2014 21:02)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:
LJ51 DJE , LJ51 DHA , LJ51 OSX
2226 , 2666 , 2272 , 2565 , 4421 , 4422 , 2456 , 2793 , 4408?

LJ51 ORG , LJ51 DLY , 2511 , 4409.

4016 , 4059 , 4082 , 4096 , 4151.
2319 , 2320.
7615 , 7620 , 7621 , 7622 , 7623 , 7627 , 7640 , 7641 , 7665.

Whats happening with 4409 as its already in saphire livery presume just a touch up?
4409 is having engine work done on it andy.
2511 paintshop?? been repaired??? i thoguht it was the end of it??
Its in the paintshop but not repaired as the body shop is full at the momment but it looks like it may be getting repaired as there are some new panels hanging round it.
(01/02/2014 21:02)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:
LJ51 DJE , LJ51 DHA , LJ51 OSX
2226 , 2666 , 2272 , 2565 , 4421 , 4422 , 2456 , 2793 , 4408?

LJ51 ORG , LJ51 DLY , 2511 , 4409.

4016 , 4059 , 4082 , 4096 , 4151.
2319 , 2320.
7615 , 7620 , 7621 , 7622 , 7623 , 7627 , 7640 , 7641 , 7665.

Can't have been much wrong with 2226 as it is back out in service today,
(03/02/2014 13:56)MPTE1955 Wrote: [ -> ]
(01/02/2014 21:02)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]UPDATE:
LJ51 DJE , LJ51 DHA , LJ51 OSX
2226 , 2666 , 2272 , 2565 , 4421 , 4422 , 2456 , 2793 , 4408?
Can't have been much wrong with 2226 as it is back out in service today,
2226 was on the 345 on Saturday morning, so it must have had a very quick visit to St Helens!
I seen it going through Bootle at lunchtime, so must have got swapped at some stage.
4409 returned to Wrexham depot this afternoon after remidial works were completed at St Helens.
anyone know if 2480 is in paintshop please?
Il check for you today .
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