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Full Version: Arriva St Helens Paint Shop & Repair Centre
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Bit of an update :

4171 rta damage
2469 getting bits n bobs done on it
2467 getting bits n bobs done on it
2500 rta damage
2548 engine maintinance
???? Mini pointer dart by the looks of it but couldnt ID it due to where it was parked but getting engine work done.

683 repaint etc
4426 as reported to be repainted into an all over yellow livery
2796 repaint etc.

Numerous marshalls are still parked up awaiting scrap but some have started to disappear along with the T*** PNB darts.
2725 still here awaiting removal but now 2726 is here now with front end rta damage.
2 dlas still here awaiting removal.
2477 as now arrived and is awaiting removal.
wounder why 4426 has been painted yellow
We will soon found out won't we, probably an advertisement or something like that.
(18/07/2014 07:34)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]Bit of an update :

4171 rta damage
2469 getting bits n bobs done on it
2467 getting bits n bobs done on it
2500 rta damage
2548 engine maintinance
???? Mini pointer dart by the looks of it but couldnt ID it due to where it was parked but getting engine work done.

683 repaint etc
4426 as reported to be repainted into an all over yellow livery
2796 repaint etc.

Numerous marshalls are still parked up awaiting scrap but some have started to disappear along with the T*** PNB darts.
2725 still here awaiting removal but now 2726 is here now with front end rta damage.
2 dlas still here awaiting removal.
2477 as now arrived and is awaiting removal.

Thanks for the update MM. Any idea what the two DLAs are?

2467 has now left here and has gone to GL and in service on 9 right now.
Only 684 & 685 and 3357 in standard livery in wales now
(18/07/2014 17:46)cx04axy Wrote: [ -> ]Only 684 & 685 and 3357 in standard livery in wales now
There is still the Solos in Wrexham wearing the old livery
(19/07/2014 10:24)Garsty Wrote: [ -> ]There is still the Solos in Wrexham wearing the old livery

Thought they'd all changed ooops!!

I gather there are to be some lowlanders soon to paint shop for Bangor or Blackburn?? Any news on this?
4426 as been complete and must say it looks great.
Is 4426 advertising something MM or is there another reason why it's in yellow.Thanks in advance.
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