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Thanks for the update MM - excellent as ever

Can you confirm if 2725, 7663 and 7669 have left for scrap?

Thanks Smile
Sorry i forgot to put 3098 and 2725 down as they are dumped round the back next 2209.
Have 7663 and 7669 left for scrap yet MM?
(04/10/2014 16:59)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]Sorry i forgot to put 3098 and 2725 down as they are dumped round the back next 2209.

Thanks, don't sound good for 3098 then.
Both 7663 and 7669 have both gone.
Thanks MM for another very useful update. That's going to help with updating the fleet lists, which I'm working on this weekend.
(04/10/2014 19:00)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]Both 7663 and 7669 have both gone.

Thanks MM - much appreciated! Smile
(04/10/2014 20:13)P537 MBU Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks MM - much appreciated! Smile

Anytime pal
Thanks from me too - your news is certainly most informative. A quick question.

What has happened to 4171, the ex-London President? Has it been scrapped or is it back in service at Bolton?
Thanks ,That went back to bolton as far as im aware of as it got repaired so should be back in service.
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