Interesting that they've re-painted 999 as I thought its purchase and operation were part funded with a specification for the livery it did wear! Thanks for those though MM.
its kept its leather seats but looks really smart painted and think st helens missed out they would of been better suited to our depot than the solo SR's.
I absolutely agree, probably the £20K price difference per bus that put them off though!!
yeah think ur correct there,everything comes down to the last penny as all the drivers are coplaining that the solo sr are too small especially when the pvr drops after 10:00 untill 14:00 as the 33 is leaving people due to being fully loaded by the time they are at the bottom of elephant lane,plenty of complaints by both drivers and passengers.
I must say I was quite surprised when I actually saw how small these Solo SRs St Helens got, certainly smaller than what they have meant to have replaced, in my opinion maybe St Helens should have got some long Versa's instead which seat similar to a single decker although maybe the odd seat less
well if these solo sr replaced scania paladins id hate to see what there gonna replace the dennis darts with when its time to replace them,maybe some small solos like what HTL have got or maybe some mercedes sprinters lol.....;p
it looks rather smart now i think,and deffo more suited to st helens operations instead of these solo Sr.
I think they should replace the darts with either versas or tempo SR.
Seen 999 leaving the depot this morning I presume heading back to Chester. I agree with previous comments it looks very smart indeed.
Any Welsh buses in for refurbs here?
il try have a look,i know 2510 is still in awaiting maintenance,theres a plaxton centro having maintenance,theres a DLA with an all over student advert but unsure why its here.