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That cant be right as RKK was on the 297 today
(08/11/2016 21:12)r411 xfl Wrote: [ -> ]Mmc app is only getting used on widnes 1 of a morning
Bingo bus
Widnes 2

(08/11/2016 21:31)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]That cant be right as RKK was on the 297 today

On there again this morning
The 28 service got took off this afternoon to cover schools as spoke to a few unhappy passengers.
Hattons have bought Dart SN04 EFZ, it's in a White Livery and it's on the 297 due off St Helens at 12
(14/12/2016 11:51)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]Hattons have bought Dart SN04 EFZ, it's in a White Livery and it's on the 297 due off St Helens at 12

This is on the 12 today.
Managed to catch it today on the 12. It appears to be a former First vehicle with typical First interior and still contains a poster giving contact details for First Central Scotland Customer Services.
Red Dart on 141 today, EU04 reg I think.
EU04 DVU has failed on Bridge st, St Helens
SN66 WLB now in Hattons livery, but without fleetname on the sides I could see. (29 Dec. 2016)
(24/12/2016 10:49)jcksmnr Wrote: [ -> ]Red Dart on 141 today, EU04 reg I think.

That red dart (EU04 BVD) still isn't in Hatton's livery, and you can see 'City Direct' and that company's web address from the previous owners.
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