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Sepp Blatter has said he intends to resign as the president of FIFA:
About time too, thing is they should get rid of the whole lot of them as the organisation has shown itself to be corrupt.
Absolutely unbelievable that he got re-elected in the first place. I will refrain from saying anything further.
If as it sounds he is implicated in this scandal as well now and he is forced to resign is there anyone who is not implicated that can take over at FIFA or do we see the end of FIFA as the World Governing Body of Football.
(03/06/2015 23:48)SNL 824 Wrote: [ -> ]Absolutely unbelievable that he got re-elected in the first place. I will refrain from saying anything further.

To whom are you referring? The General Election was three weeks ago. If you are referring to Sepp Blatter, why is it unbelievable? History is littered with crooks, politicians and tyrants who are able to manipulate the masses through bribery, corruption, lies and seductive promises. As Lord Acton said: "Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely." For all its faults, the UK and USA are two countries in the world where offering a bribe is considered to be unacceptable business practice unlike in Third World countries where it is considered to be perfectly normal.
Paul Massey (Salford Mr Big) has been Shot dead near his home, Paul who is 55 is well known within the area for trying to stop Heroin being Sold down there and raising money for local Charity's. He has also been used to sort out problems between 2 Gangs in an attempt to stop Gang Wars.
Maybe, just maybe a bit of Flight MH370 has been found in Reunion
If it is it will start to answer some of the biggest mysteries in years , the disappearance of MH370 and its a big if .
Cilla Black's funeral will be held on the 20th August at St Mary's Church in Woolton .

Im not sure whether it was a surprise or not , but do expect a lot of her close friends to attend this service .
Sad news is that actor Stephen Lewis - famous for playing Blakey in On The Buses as well other roles - has died at the age of 88. A superb actor who will be missed

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