Anyone care to speculate what these DDA modifications will be?
(15/01/2017 09:31)robertclark125 Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone care to speculate what these DDA modifications will be?
Ramps, all round displays, wheelchair spaces, Braille on the stop buttons as well as probably more I can't think of
And is this before they close down or after as he keeps expanding even though his licence is down as being revoked.
(15/01/2017 12:03)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]And is this before they close down or after as he keeps expanding even though his licence is down as being revoked.
Exactly, I find it amazing he is planning ahead for the summer.
Hasn't it gone to another appeal? If it has, then that would explain all these plans.
But surely he can't just keep appealing and appealing after every verdict as there as to be the end of the line somewhere where his appeals cant be lodged as how many times as he appealed?
(15/01/2017 12:58)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]But surely he can't just keep appealing and appealing after every verdict as there as to be the end of the line somewhere where his appeals cant be lodged as how many times as he appealed?
I'm pretty sure when he appealed the last PI he cited that Mrs Bell the TC had some kind of vested interest in running him off the road so it was decided to put the case before another TC from a different area. But the PI was to establish the link between classic bus closing down and Oakwood or catch 22 starting up and his operating tactics in general, but this PI where his licence was revoked seemed to be about his conduct towards the TC and the fact he hired a Private decetive to basically stalk her, with him then putting the footage filmed on you tube under a false name.
The whole set up seems strange to me. Why can he effectively appeal every verdict. If the TC feel strongly enough that he shouldn't be on the road then they need to act and stop dancing about because he's making a mockery of the whole system.
Well we'll know this if his right to appeal has been successful or not as the licence is due to be revoked from tomorrow (18th January).
According to a post in a thread on another forum, an entry in the latest Notices and proceedings has said that the licence has been revoked, and all registered bus services running under this licence have been cancelled with immediate effect.
The poster asks "anyone in Blackpool able to see fi they're still around?" Is there and are they?
Someone's replied to that saying they were operating two bus routes today.