Mark 5 Set 12 currently on it's way to Crewe from Portbury Docks behind ROG 37601.
December TT IN RTT - existing Middlesbrough services start from Newcastle and existing Newcastle services from Redcar.
This answers the question of how the longer MIA turn rounds will be accommodated with a mixed fleet.
There are quite substantial changes on other services, with Manchester-Hull trains losing stops and Stalybridge gaining a stop in Scarborough services
Timing loads are weird - eastbound showing diesel locomotive 802 tonnes for IET services and south/west electric 802 tonnes, even though it is likely they will run on diesel due to power supply limitations.
Manchester-Glasgow trains show 125mph cl.397 timings, although there is AFAIK nowhere they can exceed 110 anyway. Liverpool - Glasgow still shown dmu however
ROG have today delivered 397006 to Manchester International Depot.
Having looked in a bit more detail the Hull services, although losing stops off peak, will become all stations Stalybridge to Huddersfield in the peaks
The first TPE crew operated Mark 5 test run ran on Friday with 68025 and Set 4 working 5E68 0501 Liverpool to Scarborough and 5M68 0831 Scarborough to Manchester International Depot.
350403 is surprisingly on it's way back to Ardwick from Wolverton.
It looks like TPE are to put 350403 back in service.
GBRf have delivered 802211 and 802212 to Eastleigh in the early hours of this morning.