(26/12/2018 01:47)mikestone Wrote: [ -> ]May Track Access Application now on NR website. It would appear that the previous plan for one Glasgow- Liverpool to run combined with a Manchester has been dropped. In addition they will now start with a Carlisle-Liverpool and end with a Liverpool Oxenholme.
When was that ever the plan? The franchise agreement indicated the Liverpool to Glasgow services would have a different calling pattern north of Preston to Manchester to Glasgow services.
Not got my laptop so can't check but I think it was either the train service commitment or a previous TAA.
May TT now loaded to RTT.
All trains seem to be shown 100mph dmu except for MIA-Scotland - although wierdly the two Edinburgh-Newcastle trains in the TAA have appeared as cl.3 ecs timed as 125mph electric services, so presumably IEP mileage accumulation or training?
Surprisingly some Liverpool-Scotch are via St. Helens, three stopping there, and others via Earlestown.
(04/01/2019 14:04)T42 PVM Wrote: [ -> ]Only one of which stopping at St Helens Central, What a joke that is.
I wonder if St Helens Central long enough to accommodate the future class 397.
With one stopping there but the others not does seem to say the platforms can cope
The Liverpool to Glasgow/Edinburgh will be a service "under the wire" until the class 397 arrives.
We were led to believe (thanks to various press releases at the start of the franchise) that all journeys on this service were going to call at St Helens Central.