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(09/05/2014 18:42)SF07 Wrote: [ -> ]There may need to be a spell check on destination displays, as I noticed that on the 44 into Manchester this afternoon, it has spelt East Didsbury 'Esat'.

It's not the first misspelt destination and it certainly won't be the last, although if they carn't even spell the destinations on thier buses correctly what else are they getting wrong.
434 change only just confirmed on the TfGM website today:

434 28/07/2014
Castleton - Rochdale
Run by Manchester Community Transport. Times changed with some journeys withdrawn.
Yeah tfgm forgot about it, timetables not updated nor were passengers infomed
Looking at the updated timetable in Rochdale Bus Station yesterday the 434 is now an hourly rather than half hourly service
If dosen't doing like TFGM to just forget to update timetables etc espically with a service MCT run on behalf of TFGM.
Timetable for 434 is now on the TfGM website
Any updates for the fleet list haven't found any for ages
Surprised it's not been mentioned but apparently MCT have taken over the 300 Meteoshuttle in Stockport.
Hadn't heard or read anything about it until I saw this photo on Flickr:
Compared to the Manchester Metroshuttle the Stockport 300 has changed hands virtually every 12 months or so.
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