what is the other 56 plate? and what are the Optares? also does this firm have any Streetlites?
They had two that were rented, gone back, ill try and get a fullfleetlist
One for Jimbo here.
Manchester Community Transport have acquired 3 double deckers from Ensign. Two Tridents X395NNO & V125MEV and an Olympian R115XNO.
Im guessing they carn't all be converted to NHS Health Buses

so im guessing there for service.
Hmm... ill see what I can find out off my mate at mct
Ahh so they've actually arrived now then, these are actually for service as from what I got told by one of their drivers a couple of months ago MCT have having problems capacity wise on some of their evening tenders and have been leaving passengers behind so were looking into buying a batch of double deckers.
If they do get used expect to see them in service on services such as evening 18s and 22s
Hmm interesting... I was hoping for their first commercial route... I am actually disappointed.
Registration Number: PC0005332/76
Variation Number 0 Status Registered Operator Name MANCHESTER COMMUNITY TRANSPORT LIMITED Service Number(s) Russle Scott School Start Point Ashton Finish Point Two Trees School, Denton Via Service Type School or Works Date Received 14-AUG-2013 Effective Date 09-SEP-2013 End Date -TAOs covered by route North West of England Local Authorities covered by route Greater Manchester pte N&P Reference 2650
This is the contract the double deckers are for, apparently it is a school refurbishment so kids get transported from old place to temp place... Temp contract, obvs paid very well if theyre willing to buy buses to do it
(11/09/2013 01:34)jimbo Wrote: [ -> ]MANCHESTER COMMUNITY TRANSPORT LIMITED - PC0005332/76
Registration Number: PC0005332/76
Variation Number 0 Status Registered Operator Name MANCHESTER COMMUNITY TRANSPORT LIMITED Service Number(s) Russle Scott School Start Point Ashton Finish Point Two Trees School, Denton Via Service Type School or Works Date Received 14-AUG-2013 Effective Date 09-SEP-2013 End Date -TAOs covered by route North West of England Local Authorities covered by route Greater Manchester pte N&P Reference 2650
This is the contract the double deckers are for, apparently it is a school refurbishment so kids get transported from old place to temp place... Temp contract, obvs paid very well if theyre willing to buy buses to do it
Apparently the two Tridents will do the contract with the Olympian acting as a 'spare'.
Probably a case of the contract requiring double deckers so they had to have deckers to win the contract.
Although I'm not sure why they have registered it on VOSA.
It's technically a private hire as the kids won't be paying a fare when they board so why register it.
No doubt when the contract ends they might jump in to school services.
If registered no tachograph is needed