be nice to have a direct service from north wales direct to the airport

Its a great idea. Looking from a north wales point of view

The extra platform , will also get rid of some of the double platforming that has to take place on the present platforms , usually Northern services sitting atop TPX services.
Is Mayfield Loop still going to be used by some services maybe other than ATW or does it have to be vacated for the next part of the Northern HUB.
67 020 is on the hauled Manchester turn today.
Extra MK3 coach in canton depot today - wondering if anymore are coming to ATW
(25/02/2015 16:59)cx04axy Wrote: [ -> ]Extra MK3 coach in canton depot today - wondering if anymore are coming to ATW
There were rumours of another hauled diagram from May but nothing planned at the moment, LLJ drivers also rumoured to be getting trained on 67s to create extra cover.
So any news if rumors are true then
I have not come across any information regarding them operating a third loco hauled set .
Using Loco hauled sets does use up vital stabling points across the network.
It seems that Network Rail in the end blocked the use of Manchester Airport as a terminating point for services from the North wales Coast , so services have to wait that excessive amount of time yet again in Mayfield Loop .
Seems that the ITT for the Northern Franchise stymied the ATW service as from 2017 there is a Calder Valley service going to use the paths involved and it would not be fair for ATW to use them paths for them to be taken off them at a later date.
Would it not be possible for the service to continue to Stockport and use the layover time more productively.
Does Stockport have a Bay Platform are there enough paths?