09/05/2020, 17:38
What would appear to be the service from 18th May has appeared in RTT, Chester-Liverpool running two-hourly, based on SX, although the full service is shown on Sunday 17th.
West of Chester the existing two-hourly Crewe-Llandudno-Holyhead service continues, but between Chester and Manchester becomes the normal SX service except for overnight trains. Elsewhere appears to become the full Sunday service with peak enhancements, including what I believe is the first ever booked crossing move at Tir-Phil.
West of Chester the existing two-hourly Crewe-Llandudno-Holyhead service continues, but between Chester and Manchester becomes the normal SX service except for overnight trains. Elsewhere appears to become the full Sunday service with peak enhancements, including what I believe is the first ever booked crossing move at Tir-Phil.