197050 entered service on 14/10/2023.
197106 is now in service.
197009 and 197020 are on the Chester to Liverpool Lime Street service today. I think 020 is first time to Liverpool.
All 175s have been stood down apparently
The Chester to Liverpool Lime Street service becomes hourly again from December.
197108 is in the Chester to Liverpool service today. First time in the service.
197118 was today moved by Freightliner from Wolverton to Basford Hall.
Has it been noted that TfW appear to be planning a 45-minute service on Wrexham-Bidston in December using one 230 and two 150s, one of which stables overnight in the bay at Wrexham General?
Some of the ECS moves to/from BN in RTT would appear to be spurious, left over from a timetable using more 230s..
Seen at Crewe Station was 197005 which I understand has yet to enter service.
197117 arrived at Crewe today from Wolverton.
197024 was seen today on LNWR Crewe. I believe that it has been there for some time.