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(02/03/2015 18:19)fordsonmajor2012 Wrote: [ -> ]S310 and S311 SHB have been bought by GHA, not sure if anymore will be on the way to North Wales as well!!

Ace also had the 1 remaining red dart still in service at the time of closure Y254NLK. Anyone know where it is now? Thanks.
I believe the 2 SPD's may now be with GHA can anyone confirm???

Who is operating the tours as gathered it's not Ace
Don't know if its true but been told its a friend of the fella who owned ace travel and thats why ace put the cancellation in a couple of weeks ago.
(03/03/2015 14:13)motormayhem1 Wrote: [ -> ]Don't know if its true but been told its a friend of the fella who owned ace travel and thats why ace put the cancellation in a couple of weeks ago.

But if the sightseeing has been cancelled shouldn't it be re-registered under the new trading name before it operates?

Presumably as ACE haven't yet surrendered thier ops licence they will still be operating on that licence, but if the company has officially ceased trading it all seems a little confusing lol Smile
That was my thoughts too but something dont sound right
The Ace Travel Page has just been updated putting everything into a Table making it more easy to understand, it still states the Sight Seeing Service is not running but we all know it is

I also notice the 265 has still not found a new Operator, You got to feel sorry for the Passengers on that Service!
Ive been told by an ACE driver that ACE kept a handful of drivers on to keep the tours operating and they are operating under a different name.... dodgy.
I hear its from a Different Licence, Classic Bus did the same thing as when the Classic Bus name went under the Firm returned as Oakwood Travel
(03/03/2015 22:52)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]I hear its from a Different Licence, Classic Bus did the same thing as when the Classic Bus name went under the Firm returned as Oakwood Travel

Stagecoach use to do the same trick, until there were made by VOSA to reduce the number of operators licences held. Yet smaller companies still appear to be getting away with it.
(03/03/2015 22:52)bolton bus basher Wrote: [ -> ]I hear its from a Different Licence, Classic Bus did the same thing as when the Classic Bus name went under the Firm returned as Oakwood Travel

The classic bus saga was even more complicated as didn't CBNW go into liquidation oweing several drivers wages, yet other drivers simply transferred to Oakwood and continued to get paid. Not a very fair practice but it does happen far too often.
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