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Are there any good photo's from the open day, posted any where, if so it would be nice to see them?
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Thanks to the folks from MTT for providing the free service from Mann Island to Speke Hall today. I enjoyed a ride out on 1111 and 1236 looked good also.
(22/07/2012 20:22)SNL 824 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks to the folks from MTT for providing the free service from Mann Island to Speke Hall today. I enjoyed a ride out on 1111 and 1236 looked good also.

I rode down from mann island on 1236 lovely bus. 1836 was there as well think it was the spare bus as it stayed parked up on speke halls car park for most of the day.
That 1236 is a lovely bus and one I rode regularly as a Child, something dawned on me just earlier that the first single doored alexander is preserved with MTT being 1236 and the last is preserved with the 201 group being 1070. Why it never dawned on me before I really don't know. How significant are those two in the MPTE history.
(23/07/2012 06:52)MX12CFE Wrote: [ -> ]I rode down from mann island on 1236 lovely bus. 1836 was there as well think it was the spare bus as it stayed parked up on speke halls car park for most of the day.

1836 was indeed the spare bus; or more the staff restroom/information point for passengers wanting to travel back towards Liverpool. However it did work the last trip (17:20 departure) from Speke Hall back to Pier Head, before heading back to Burscough in convoy with 1111.
1236 is the first of that style atty as from 1111-1235 they were all jumbos which again the first and the last of the batch are preserved
(23/07/2012 13:02)J654UHN Wrote: [ -> ]1236 is the first of that style atty as from 1111-1235 they were all jumbos which again the first and the last of the batch are preserved

Indeed and that is also good.
And interestingly enough, the older one of the two has power steering.
Yep, some of the Jumbos were early withdrawals so the the power steering off them could be added to the BKC-K's
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