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And just to clarify another point made above, the MTT fleet will not all be on show as this is the 502 Group's open day.
Easter Sunday mini running day announced on the MTT Website

Quote: Easter Sunday 31st March 2013 - "Buses from Seacombe Ferry"
A variety of vehicles from both sides of the Mersey will run on former Wallasey Corporation Transport & MPTE routes.
Fingers crossed Sundays event doesn't get cancelled, fortunately the forecast isn't too bad, it's not going to be Snowing, Winds not as strong but still cold.

Hopefully it'll be open, there's a decent cafe called Toms Cabin 5 minute walk from Seacombe Ferry on the Birkenhead Road only open till bout 1pm though does great belly buster breakfasts plus Toasties

Feeder routes have been posted on MTT all start in Liverpool City Centre site they are, 0922 (service 31), 0941 (service 32), 0950 (service 31), 1001 (service 32) buses depart from Whitechapel.
I suspect that short of 50 foot snow blizzards coupled with an alien invasion, the Sunday event will go ahead.

The MTT and Mr Crow have put too much effort and work into this day for it not to happen.

Been to too many bus rallies in crap weather and still had plenty of craic.
Now that's a good attitude to take.
Rest assured that the running day will be going ahead on Sunday. It is unlikely that the ice caps will have melted sufficiently by Sunday for the Mersey to have burst it's banks! Look forward to seeing you all there.
(29/03/2013 23:55)andyrigby2410 Wrote: [ -> ]Rest assured that the running day will be going ahead on Sunday. It is unlikely that the ice caps will have melted sufficiently by Sunday for the Mersey to have burst it's banks! Look forward to seeing you all there.

I'll defiantly be there, a couple of routes are going down my Road however i've changed my plans a bit going over to Liverpool early get a breakfast then catch either the first or second feeder route in.Smile
(29/03/2013 23:55)andyrigby2410 Wrote: [ -> ]Rest assured that the running day will be going ahead on Sunday. It is unlikely that the ice caps will have melted sufficiently by Sunday for the Mersey to have burst it's banks! Look forward to seeing you all there.

Mersey Ferries have that eventuality under control.

[Image: overflow_zpsee537b1c.jpg]
A big thank you to all at the trust who put their time and effort into creating a wonderful and succesful day. Star ride of the day was the hybr......NOOOO!! It was the absolutely perfectly driven (by Terry Morris, I think) 1365. The Crow is a fantastic preservationist who thinks outside the box, full credit for the liveries on 1365 and 1788 they look magnificent. It would have been so easy to put into normal PTE or Merseybus livery.
Credit also has to be given for the excellent facelift given to 1236 which looks so much better.

Thanks again everyone and I'll see you on 13th April for the West Lancs pi..., sorry, tour Wink
Wonderful day, many thanks to all at the Merseyside Transport Trust & Terry Morris for organising a wonderful and superbly organised from the day
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