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Poll: What kind of upholstery do you prefer on bus/coach seats?
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Leather vs. Moquette
RE: Leather vs. Moquette
Prefer Moquette seating, however it does age, they're more comfortable in hot weather as Leather seats aren't good at keeping cool[Leather seats in hot weather, they feel like you've just brought something fully cooked out of the oven].

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Messages In This Thread
Leather vs. Moquette - Quackdave - 02/09/2016, 19:25
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - buses7675 - 03/09/2016, 00:49
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - Valandil - 03/09/2016, 05:59
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - B10B6514 - 04/09/2016, 11:51
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - SK15 GZG - 04/09/2016, 12:12
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - H101GEV - 04/09/2016, 15:31
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - MTL0201 - 05/09/2016 15:40
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - SLTRegular - 26/11/2016, 13:15
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - SNL 824 - 09/12/2016, 15:23
RE: Leather vs. Moquette - Barney - 25/12/2016, 15:56

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