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Premiere, Nottingham
RE: Premiere, Nottingham
Premiere ceased trading this evening. The majority of their contracts have been reallocated to other operators, NCT and Trent Barton are providing alternatvies to Red7 and Red9 and Trent Barton are offering a Premiere "ticket swap" so Premiere customers can easilt transfer to trent barton services where the Premiere ones were a carbon copy.
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Messages In This Thread
Premiere, Nottingham - tbone - 23/01/2013, 16:49
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - Mal - 24/01/2013, 00:03
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - tbone - 24/01/2013, 08:50
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - tbone - 25/01/2013 21:43
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - T42 PVM - 25/01/2013, 22:48
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - mbonwick - 26/01/2013, 01:16
RE: Premiere, Nottingham - tbone - 30/01/2013, 10:19

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