Noticed there's Engernering Works on Merseyrail Wirral Line last Sunday, this Sunday & Sunday 14th, but no Works scheduled for next Sunday 7th.

Indeed it should be a very good day indeed having seen the entry list, people won't be disappointed with around 50 buses entered.
(30/09/2012 13:12)MTL0201 Wrote: [ -> ]Noticed there's Engernering Works on Merseyrail Wirral Line last Sunday, this Sunday & Sunday 14th, but no Works scheduled for next Sunday 7th.
West Kirby - Birkenhead North is shut on the 7th. (Also Hunts Cross - LSP).
ACM705X (MPTE/Merseybus 0031) is unable to make the show this year, Sadly wasnt ready for MOT in time despite the best efforts of Mr Sutton.
However a ACM705X (MPTE/Merseybus 0031) replacement bus may be attending in its place.
(05/10/2012 15:31)Raawwwrrr! Wrote: [ -> ]ACM705X (MPTE/Merseybus 0031) is unable to make the show this year, Sadly wasnt ready for MOT in time despite the best efforts of Mr Sutton.
However a ACM705X (MPTE/Merseybus 0031) replacement bus may be attending in its place.
What bus maybe coming as a replacement ?
What evers taxed and MOTd at Kirkby haha.
Really good weather today, I was only down for an hour, good to see 301 again. There was a great amount of buses about too!
(07/10/2012 15:30)N301 CKB Wrote: [ -> ]Really good weather today, I was only down for an hour, good to see 301 again. There was a great amount of buses about too!
Yep, I took 145 photos altogether.

Was great to see 1788, been finished to an excellent standard. 5309 was also brilliant and looks really smart. Was lucky to have a few rides on the latter and it is still an excellent vehicle, sounds spot on!
Was great at Kirkby this evening, a massive 12 vehicles in the yard to be put away after an excellent day!