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Full Version: Guess The Bus Game
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It's not one of the MAN gas driven buses is it?
Noo, its not CX54. Good try though.
Is it an Optare Versa?
Scania L94UB/Wright Solar?
MX61 - Again, good try but not the one I was looking for!
Steve - Dam, your right!
Yey! I'll find a photo in a bit to go up!
This game was knocking about on here around 4 years back. I think it should be brought back so here is how it works...

You get one of your bus photographs, then crop a small part of the bus then upload it on this thread people then have to guess what bus its off and the 1st person that gets it right has the next turn.

So I'll start off to begin with
Merged with the old thread for you - only 2 years ago!
(21/04/2014 23:00)WGemini4488 Wrote: [ -> ]This game was knocking about on here around 4 years back. I think it should be brought back so here is how it works...

You get one of your bus photographs, then crop a small part of the bus then upload it on this thread people then have to guess what bus its off and the 1st person that gets it right has the next turn.

So I'll start off to begin with

Wright Pulsar?
(21/04/2014 23:00)WGemini4488 Wrote: [ -> ]So I'll start off to begin with
Marshall Capital?
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