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Guess The Bus Game

Hi all,

There used to be a game like this on the old forum, so I decided to restart it.

Firstly, I will put a part of a picture on here, then you have to guess what bus it is! The person who answers correctly gets to have a go.

[Image: 7514846954_ce0190825c_s.jpg]
Your photo isn't showing!
(06/07/2012 15:18)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Your photo isn't showing!

Oh dear - It is for me!

Do you know a way I can get it working?
Copy the photo onto your PC then upload it to the forum as you post!
(06/07/2012 15:25)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Copy the photo onto your PC then upload it to the forum as you post!

[Image: 7514846954_ce0190825c_s.jpg]

Try now?
Ahh, I see what the issue is!

In Flickr, above the photo, click on the top left box marked 'Share', then Grab the HTML/BBCode, set it to BBCode, then copy the code it gives!

That is how I posted in my HTL pic earlier and that works fine!
[Image: 7515007936_1c67497809_s.jpg]

Stagecoach MAN 18.220/Alexander ALX300?
(06/07/2012 15:39)buses7675 Wrote: [ -> ]Bingo!

Stagecoach MAN 18.220/Alexander ALX300?

Yay - No, sadly not!
I still can't see it
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