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(19/01/2024 00:07)DVG526 Wrote: [ -> ]When it will likely be renewed and the public subsidy will then fund the shareholders to keep it going.

For the route to be sensible it needs to go back to travelling through the shopping area of Prenton , maybe one of the 16/17 should travel through Prenton dell as either a 16P or 17P , but not both journeys .
Wasn't there a consultation not so long ago with a timetable with the 16/17 going around Prenton Dell?

What happened to that? They do these consultations but it's not very often they give a conclusion.
The 16/16A/17, certainly the Monday to Friday service, should be split at Clatterbridge, with no buses operating through, as i mentioned reliability is awful on these services during the week, particularly from late afternoon, buses regularly running late, last week a couple were 30 late to Moreton, those formed the last 16/17.
239 to be run by Hattons from April
April timetable changes for Stagecoach Wirral are now available on merseytravel website for services 1/X1, 38 and 41/42
(15/03/2024 00:28)N271CKB Wrote: [ -> ]April timetable changes for Stagecoach Wirral are now available on merseytravel website for services 1/X1, 38 and 41/42
There not
(20/03/2024 17:45)Merseysidebusenthusiast Wrote: [ -> ]There not

Yes they are, Go onto the Timetables Page and then onto the services in question
From Merseytravel's 'Bus Service Changes page

Routes 68, 68A, 68B and 68E
The journeys that operate between Bootle and Broadgreen Station are renumbered as 68B. Timings between Broadgeen Station and Broadgreen Road are changed. The Mon-Fri 1808 and 1901 journeys from Broadgreen Station are retimed along the route.
All other journeys are unchanged.

Some service changes regarding Cumfybus that came into effect 2 days ago.

Routes 121 and 214/215
From the 18 March the 215 service is reduced due to driver shortages.
From Monday 18 March 2024 the following 215 journeys will not operate:
From Aintree Hospital - 0758, 0958, 1058, 1258, 1358, 1558 and 1758
From Lavender Way - 0900, 1100, 1200, 1400, 1500 and 1700
Service provision from 1 April is being reviewed and updates will be provided as soon as possible.

Route 297
From Monday 18 March the 297 journey due to depart from Prescot Bus Station at 0732 will not operate due to driver shortages.
Service provision from 1 April is being reviewed and updates will be provided as soon as possible.
21st April service changes:
54/54A - Weekday, School Day only, 3 afternoon journeys re-routed along Moor Lane, Crosby, to avoid congestion on Chesterfield Road at school times. On school holidays journeys will follow normal route.
55/55D - Saturday journeys from Liverpool depart 5 minutes later
58/58A & 345 - Route amended to serve Commutation Row inbound and outbound
Weekday, Journey times revised across the timetable and given more running time to improve reliability on the service - To following services - 4/4A, 60, 61, Halton 61, 62, 75. 76, 78, 79/79C, 80/81A, 81/81A/881, 82, 82A, 144, 217/217A, 500 & 800
Following services transferred from Cumfy Bus to Huyton Travel - 121, 214, 215, 135, 245, 246, 247, 827 & 870
Following services transferred from Cumfy Bus to Hattons Travel - 239 & 297
Following services transferred from Cumfy Bus to People Bus - 838 + Departs 15 minutes ealier
898 & 28A are still being reviewed from consultation
1/X1 - Last bus to be extended to Bromborough all week
38, 41, 42 & 1/X1 - Weekday, Journey times revised across the timetable and given more running time to improve reliability on the service
9th June 2024:
319 is rerouted to serve Headbolt Lane Station and also ammended to serve Old Skelmersdale War Memorial.
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