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Buying Shares in a Bus Company? - Printable Version

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Buying Shares in a Bus Company? - T42 PVM - 02/03/2015 01:30

Hi i am currently looking into Buying Shares into a Bus Company as am led to Understand you have a say on certain aspects of the Company, How does all this work and how long can you keep hold of your Shares before renewing it? As you can tell i know little about this Topic so any help would be great Smile

RE: Buying Shares in a Bus Company? - motormayhem1 - 02/03/2015 08:45

Sometimes you don't get a say in what happens unless you hold a very large amount of shares as a lot of drivers had shares in arriva before DB took over and DB bought all the shares off them but before that the drivers didn't get a say in how the company ran as they just got a pay out off the profits when they where due.