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Just out of interest I have set up an anonymous poll for members to select which party they are voting for at this year's General Election. The poll will automatically close at midnight on May 8th
I have already voted via postal vote. It is interesting so far with the poll that it's Labour, followed by the Greens. I do wonder how many 2nd places the Greens will get in the North West - I suspect quite a few as they are saying a lot of things Labour used to.
The thing is will a lot of the electorate think that Milliband is actually the man .

Will the days after the Election see the Labour Party looking at Ed Balls as a leader.
(06/05/2015 08:15)wirralbus Wrote: [ -> ]Will the days after the Election see the Labour Party looking at Ed Balls as a leader.

I very highly doubt that the Labour Party will look to replace Ed Miliband as leader unless Labour lose that badly they have no choice but to elect a new leader. I just can't see Labour getting significantly less seats than the Tories even if they lose all of their seats in Scotland

I think that this election is too close to call and I don't think the Conservatives or Labour will win an overall majority
Its all about who can do deals with each other .
I think Milliband is what will have caused Labour a major setback in this election. I personally find it extremely difficult to imagine having faith in him as a leader and I know of plenty others that feel the same. David should always have been the brother to lead but alas, that didn't suit the unions.
(06/05/2015 17:42)CX54 DKD Wrote: [ -> ]I think Milliband is what will have caused Labour a major setback in this election. I personally find it extremely difficult to imagine having faith in him as a leader and I know of plenty others that feel the same. David should always have been the brother to lead but alas, that didn't suit the unions.

As probably the only forum member to have actually met Ed Milliband socially and in political forums on a number of occasions over the years I find the crude and hysterical character assassination waged over several months by the majority of the press very sad and wildly inaccurate but inevitable given the UK print media's obsession with image rather than personality and policies. Even Barak Obama has commented that he didn't get such a roughing-up from the Republican favouring US print media during his two campaigns.

Yes, Milliband isn't classic TV eye candy, but he has been very resilient in maintaining his key policy lines the face of a continuous onslaught from the overseas owned UK media about such political irrelevances as how he eats a bacon buttie, his 'geeky' appearance and whether he and his brother send one another birthday cards.

For all our sakes I hope will prove to be just as resilient in any post election horse trading. Just hope we don't have to repeat the whole exercise in the Autumn like back in 1974. Undecided
(05/05/2015 21:04)St Helens Rider Wrote: [ -> ]I have already voted via postal vote. It is interesting so far with the poll that it's Labour, followed by the Greens. I do wonder how many 2nd places the Greens will get in the North West - I suspect quite a few as they are saying a lot of things Labour used to.

the bookies clearly think the Greens in the north west will not come second in ANY seats . Watch Manchester Withington though - probably will see their highest total in our region.
I reckon if either of the two major parties had the guts to change leaders 6 months ago, they would have had a good chance of pulling clear. Bottom line is I trust neither Cameron nor Milliband.
I think Dr James Chan of the Greens who is standing in the St Helens South and Whiston Seat will do well as he seems to be popular with the locals due to how open he has been with people, how well he has been getting along with Voters and he is a Doctor at Whiston's A&E Unit and with the NHS being a big talking point in the run up to the Election i feel this gives him an Advantage as he knows first hand what things are really like.

Overall he is a top guy and i wish him well
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