(16/04/2014 12:43)Mayneway Wrote: [ -> ]Their still trading today but tomorrow could be an interesting day I'm told.
They should call it Mourning Thursday followed by Bad Friday!
Not a Happy Easter for JPT then

Does anyone know if the vehicles, especially H159BKH will continue to operate tomorrow and next week with whatever operator?
I suppose the real trouble for TfGM and passengers could be if, and I stress IF, JPT were to cease trading during the day, and services ceased say at lunchtime or mid afternoon. There is the potential for schoolchildren, workers, and others to be stranded, and it may be the case that vehicles and drivers at other firms aren't ready there and then.
Well out of the scope of the area, but this happened once with a bus firm called Tillingbourne, in 2002, which collapsed. The firm ceased trading in the middle of the day, and the upshot was buses dropping off all passengers mid point, and then returning empty to the depot. It meant folk were stranded, and Surrey County Council couldn't get replacement tenders organised until the next day, and same for commercial services.
It's good that TfGM have, apparently, got emergency tenders sorted. It's to be hoped they start on the planned date, ensuring a smoothish changeover, and that JPT doesn't cease midday.
(16/04/2014 20:25)VolvoB10M Wrote: [ -> ]Does anyone know if the vehicles, especially H159BKH will continue to operate tomorrow and next week with whatever operator?
JPT 'should' be operating tomorrow they will apparently cease trading 'at the end of trading' tomorrow, so presumably everything will run as normal until the last service.
It's been suggested the Olympian might be a loan although I'm not sure. I carnt see any other operators locally touching it.
Through the grape vine I have heard they are paying their staff by cheque when they seize trading, those will bounce no doubt...
No Offical Word yet but apprently they have been saved at the last minute,Current rumors but it seems its going to be an intresting few days
Saved by whom?
But yeah a driver I know is saying they are saved
(16/04/2014 21:53)jimbo Wrote: [ -> ]Saved by whom?
But yeah a driver I know is saying they are saved
dont know yet,unless by "Saved" they mean taken over by.....?
Thats pretty much what I mean... hoping MCT haven't done a Maytree again....
I wonder hat will happen to the Olympians, the Mk2 Palatines don't seem too bad.