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Single fares have gone up 20p & weekly/monthly ticks etc etc.
(09/04/2014 14:41)33109 Wrote: [ -> ]Single fares have gone up 20p & weekly/monthly ticks etc etc.

Well my single has gone up from £1.60 to £1.70 a 10p increase for me at least. I guess it depends on the price as to how much it increases to.
My weekly hasn't gone up at all, it is still £15.00.
I think the Weekly tickets are great value considering where one can travel to on them. With lack of Government funding and rising fuel costs what do we expect? It's a shame that prices will keep going up, but sadly, this is the world we live in. Sad
The day of cash fares is slowly going over the horizon to be replaced by more innovative ways of paying for tickets , as most machines are now smart card capable it should be a lot easier now to implement .
I, for one, hate the idea of not being able to pay with cash.
When I visited London recently, I decided to walk instead of take the bus/tube, partly because it's so expensive, and partly because they think everyone should have an Oyster card and don't like you paying with cash (I think a return on the bus, i.e. two cash singles, would have worked out at £4.80, regardless of distance).
This will slowly happen in other cities as Oyster Type cards start to take hold , we are starting to see the technology used in Contactless Credit Cards .
At least in London there are still the paper Travelcards. I visit a handful of times each year and always go for one of these. Not a fan of Oyster, or other similar, cards.
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